The Regulars Page 36
Kisses for my awesome early blurbers: Brenda Bowen, Caroline Kepnes, Elisabeth Egan, Maggie Grace, Sara Shepard, and Scott Westerfeld; for Claire Elizabeth Terry and Juliet Blake for the Rocaberti Writers’ Retreat scholarship in a fourteenth-century Spanish castle; and for Ms. Allen for Year 12 English. (Gosford High, what’s up?!)
Thanks to everyone who answered my research questions about everything from film sets to law school jargon. I am always wowed by how generous friends and strangers alike are with their knowledge.
Shout-out to the team at the New York Writers’ Room and to Justen Ahren at the Martha’s Vineyard Writers Residency for providing calming writer-centric places to create.
Mum and Dad, I love you so much. Thank you for always letting me read at the dinner table, on family holidays, in my countless baths, etc. William and Louise, the fact we both created a plucky young heroine in the same year named Evie is cause for so much celebration!
My friends in Sydney, New York, and LA are all outstanding humans with golden hearts and oversized brains: thanks for the giggles, dummies.
And finally, I acknowledge my partner in life, crime, and love: Lindsay. My sweet girl, you inspire me every day with your endless love for everyone around you. You are the kindest, quirkiest, most fun person I know. You gave me a heart, and it will always be yours. Thank you for loving me.
She’s with the Band
First published in the USA by Emily Bestler Books / Atria Books,
an imprint of Simon & Schuster Inc., 2016
First published in Great Britain by Simon & Schuster UK Ltd, 2016
Copyright © 2016 by Georgia Clark, Inc.
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® and © 1997 Simon & Schuster, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Hardback ISBN: 978-1-4711-6018-9
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